Tarasacco #1
Project residency, performance and exhibition 03-15.12.2021
Performance 10.12.2021
Una performance dalla durata misera che lascerĂ il segno di un soffio violento.
Un paio di mutande, un casco fatto di schiuma poliuretanica, un estimatore di Henri Rousseau, un compagno di avventure e un’idropulitrice.
“Nulla può durare tranne la mutevolezza.”
Frankenstein, Capitolo 10
A performance of miserable duration that will leave the mark of a violent blow.
A pair of underpants, an helmet made out of polyurethane foam, an admirer of Henri Rousseau, a companion of adventures and a pressure washer.
“Nought may endure but mutability.”
Frankenstein, Chapter 10
Work in progress /// Preparing the elements
Work in progress /// Fucking around in Luce Raggi’s Studio

The performance ///
Exhibition view ///

TARASSACO #1 /// Don’t try this at home

Work donated to the Another Fucking Gallery Archive ///
Il Ghigno, Faenza, 2021
15x21cm acrylics on canvas