Faenza, Italy 1966
THE CHRISTMAS WINDOW II- IL MONDO NUOVO II /// 17.12.2022 - 31.01.2022 /// Another Fucking Gallery
THE CHRISTMAS WINDOW I /// 19.12.2021 - 31.01.2022 /// Another Fucking Gallery
His birth name is Italian, but he keeps it mysterious. He became HBA in India with the new millenium.
He attended the Art Institute for Ceramics in Faenza, then continued his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna, graduating in Decoration.
He immediately began to combine painting and sculpture work with some serious ceramic production, thanks to his training in various botteghe.
He opened the doors of his Atelier Bohemia in 2004, already a point of reference for the local underground art scene. Over the years, he has continued to casting pearls before swine in various collective exhibitions in two areas that are as popular as they are different, the Côte d'Azur and Catalunya.
Il nome d’anagrafe è romagnolo, ma lui lo conserva misterioso. E’ diventato HBA in India col nuovo millennio.
Frequenta l’Istituto d’Arte per la Ceramica di Faenza, poi continua gli studi all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna, diplomandosi in Decorazione.
Inizia subito ad affiancare lavori di pittura e scultura con una seria produzione ceramica, grazie al suo percorso formativo in varie botteghe faentine.
Apre le porte del suo Atelier Bohemia nel 2004, già punto di riferimento per la scena artistica locale di sponda underground, negli anni ha continuato a gettare perle ai porci anche in diverse collettive in due zone a lui molto amate quanto diverse, la Côte d'Azur e la Catalunya.